Thursday, April 9, 2009


Events to Look Out for!
-Monica and I are producing Sunday afternoon parties at the Falcon starting in May.  BBQ, good music, cocktails and the beautiful sun!  Stay tuned...

-The Honey Collective Summer Rooftop parties are coming!  If you missed them last year you don't want to miss this Summer! We're so excited to bring you "HONEY ON THE ROOFTOP" once a month starting in May.  :) 


2009 has been a year of growth for me.  It's been beautiful and sometimes "it hurts so good." lol. I've shed alot of my 2008 weight and have entered into this new year with new things, new opportunities and new people in my life.   Starting anew has been refreshing and a little scary for me at the same.  I've been soley working on my own projects the last couple of months and it's felt great.  I've begun creating a multi-platform marketing campaign that has evolved beautifully over the last couple of months!  It's become one of my passions for 2009 and I foresee this become a huge part of my life in 2010.  Sometimes I don't always know how to get something done...but instead of remaining stagnant trying to figure it out...I do as the swoosh sign tells me "JUST DO IT!"  

I've been creating, creating and creating some more.  I've really just begun!  The possibilities are endless.  Stay tuned!